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Jenna Tangkhpanya - 2023


Jeremy Cabrera is a Montreal born Filipino-Canadian Actor. Creative at the minute he could start using his hands, he started developing multiple skills in music production, piano, photography and audio/video editing at the age of 10.

At around 15, he discovered acting and fell in love with the nuance of its craft. He graduated in the Theatre Program at Dawson in 2016 and continued his training with Black Theatre Workshop under the Artist Mentorship Program where he was able to develop his voice.

As of now, Jeremy bases his artistic philosophy on truth hoping to inspire people. With this, he also hopes to show other Filipino's in Canada and in the US that there is a path in the arts for them and that ultimately anyone could be the hero of their own story.

Jeremy Cabrera






195 lbs






Spoken languages


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Commercial (QuebecEmploi) EN
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Video games - EN
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Tout matériel audiovisuel ou écrit utilisé sur ce site internet est dans le seul but de mettre en valeur les talents et l'expérience de nos artistes, et non pour un gain commercial direct du matériel. Néanmoins, si un créateur se sent lésé par l'utilisation de ce matériel, veuillez nous contacter afin qu'il puisse être modifié en conséquence.

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