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Born in Argentina, Fatima always knew she wanted to be an actress. Having graduated from John Abbott's Professional Theatre program she decided to continue her training at the National Theatre School.

She loves reading and watching movies which is where her love of storytelling comes from. She cannot wait to put everything she has learned so far to use and learn more on set.

Although acting has her attention right now, Fatima is also passionate about directing and producing which she hopes to get into further down the line. She loves watching the behind-the-scenes of her favorite movies and tv shows, always amazed at how much work it takes to make the magic we see on-screen and excited to soon be part of it.

Fatima Lopez






125 lbs






Spoken languages

English, French, Spanish

View/Download voice CV
Commercial demo 1 - EN
00:00 / 00:26
Commercial demo 2 - EN
00:00 / 00:19
Commercial demo 3 - EN
00:00 / 00:21
00:00 / 01:04
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Tout matériel audiovisuel ou écrit utilisé sur ce site internet est dans le seul but de mettre en valeur les talents et l'expérience de nos artistes, et non pour un gain commercial direct du matériel. Néanmoins, si un créateur se sent lésé par l'utilisation de ce matériel, veuillez nous contacter afin qu'il puisse être modifié en conséquence.

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