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Maxime Côté - 2022


Jeremy Lewis is a mixed-race artist, predominantly Trinidadian and French-Canadian, born and based in Tio’tia:ke (Montreal).

Jeremy has always had an interest in the arts. Having studied classical and jazz trombone in high school, they initially set their sights on pursuing a career as a musician. Their focus shifted to acting after being exposed to John Abbott College’s Professional Theatre program at an open house.

During their time at JAC, they broadened their scope of theatrical interests by taking classes on clown, mime, and puppetry, among other things. This introduction to varied theatrical practices had them hooked within a year.

After they graduated from JAC, they then went on to study acting at the National Theatre School of Canada as a part of the graduating class of 2023. There, they got the chance to study Dialect work, Stage Combat, Neutral and Expressive Mask, and Improv, just to name a very few. They find inspiration in work that plays heavily inside the imagination of the spectator.

Jeremy Lewis




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160 lbs






Spoken languages

English, French

View/Download voice CV
Voice demo - EN
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Any audio-visual or written material used on this website is for the sole purpose of showcasing our artists' talents and experience, and not for direct commercial gain from the material. Nevertheless, if any creator feels prejudiced by the use of this material, please contact us so that it may be amended accordingly.

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